999: The True Number of the Beast
I haven’t had time to review all of this…and some of it was changed by the Senate…but most of this is hateful or spiteful…and none of it is budgetary. A number of posts here and around the blogosphere...
View Article“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Santayana
The South Carolina legislature is currently discussing the removal of the Confederate Battle Flag from their Capitol grounds. To me, the fact that it is even a question over 150 years after the Civil...
View ArticleScott Walker poised to sign largest budget in Wisconsin state history
This is for all those Scott Walker supporters out there who’ve deluded themselves into believing Gov. Walker is a fiscal conservative. Yesterday rubber-stamp Republicans in the State Assembly sent the...
View ArticleWhere Will He Sign The Budget?
Here’s a question for all of our erudite readers out there: What high profile private invitation only location will Governor Walker pick to sign the budget?
View ArticleDrinking and legislating might not mix…
After a bomb threat forced the evacuation of the state Capitol yesterday, lawmakers from both parties decided to have an impromptu “beer summit” at The Coopers Tavern, a bar across the street from the...
View ArticleNext Assault On Clean Government: Disable The Government Accountability Board
Having learned nothing about Wisconsin’s concern with clean and open government from their open records debacle this past week, the Republicans in Madison decide to renew their efforts to disable the...
View ArticleRepublicans approve 20-week abortion ban
While folks are understandably upset about all the awful things in the 2015-17 biennial state budget Republicans in the Legislature have forwarded to Gov. Scott Walker for his signature, there’s still...
View ArticleBecause nothing says, “I’m presidential!” like stealing your campaign’s logo
As has been noted by Capper (among others), Gov. Scott Walker’s 2016 presidential campaign is already off to a rocky start, as many have noted how eerily similar the Walker for President campaign logo...
View ArticleSens. Warren, McCain to introduce bipartisan legislation to reinstate...
This is a big fricking deal… Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) are reintroducing legislation to revive the Glass-Steagall Act, which would force big banks to split their...
View ArticleVIDEO: HBO’s John Oliver highlights the messed up state of stadium funding...
Last week John Oliver, the host of “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” on HBO, did a 19-minute segment on the topic of the funding of American sports stadiums using taxpayer dollars, often at the...
View ArticleTravis Bille: I’m running as a Democrat to unseat Rob Cowles for Wisconsin...
My name is Travis Bille from Kaukauna, and I’m running as a Democrat to unseat Rob Cowles for Wisconsin Senate District 2. I’ve always had a deep interest in serving the public, but my politics have...
View ArticleScott Walker’s presidential campaign wants you to buy some OFFICAL merchandise
Words just can’t describe how amateur this is for a man who thinks he’s qualified to be president. Seriously…is it too much to ask for the folks at Walker for president HQ to invest in some spellcheck?
View ArticleDrinking Liberally MKE – July 20, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. with guest Meagan Holman
From my email inbox comes news of the next (last?) meeting of Drinking Liberally Milwaukee. Greetings Friends! As many of you are aware, this will likely be my last Drinking Liberally as host …which is...
View ArticleScott Walker: minimum wage a “lame idea”
During an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News after he announced his presidential candidacy, Gov. Scott Walker called the minimum wage a “lame idea”, because apparently he wants workers to toil for...
View ArticleMilwaukee Bucks owner Wes Edens buys his third company in a week, still wants...
But remember, Milwaukee Bucks owner Wes Edens needs a government handout in order to build a fancy new arena to keep the Bucks in Milwaukee. Wes Edens wants to be the newest subprime scion. Edens —...
View ArticleDave Cieslewicz: What happens after Scott Walker loses his presidential bid?
Last week former Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz wrote an editorial in the Isthmus that bears mentioning. Here’s a snippet. What the Democrats need to be thinking about right now is how to navigate the...
View ArticleWhy a fancy new entertainment district around the Milwaukee Bucks’...
Earlier this week I highlighted comedian John Oliver’s takedown of the racket that is publicly financed sports stadiums, and yesterday Bruce Murphy of Urban Milwaukee outlined why a fancy entertainment...
View ArticleChris Larson votes to cut $4 million in state aid from Milwaukee County to...
Earlier today the Republican-controlled State Senate approved using taxpayer dollars to fund a shiny new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks. The vote to approve the financing was 21 in favor of the scheme...
View ArticleScott Walker, circa 2015: the decision on abortion shouldn’t be between a...
During a recent interview with Laura Ingraham, Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker did a complete reversal on abortion, telling Ingraham that he doesn’t believe the final decision on whether...
View ArticleVIDEO: Jimmy Fallon points out Scott Walker’s weird Kohl’s fetish
Fast-forward to about 40 seconds into this clip to hear Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon talk about Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker’s weird fetish for talking about Kohl’s department store.
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